Welcome To Brain and Spine Surgery

A better life starts with a beautiful smile.

We are the Back pain alleviation specialists in the centre of Abuja

At Brain And Spine Surgery, we are dedicated to helping people of all ages with a variety of back, neck and spine conditions, lead pain-free, healthy lives again. We treat all types of back, neck, spine and spine related disorders. We specialize in upper, mid and lower back pain, spinal deformity, trauma and tumor surgery. We have expertise in treatment of spine fractures, spinal cord injuries, and tumors of the spine. We also treat brain diseases including trauma, brain tumors, infections, and hydrocephalus.


Primary Services

We provide excellent diagnostic facilities, surgical intervention, conservative care and follow-up management.

Lumbar and Cervical Spondylosis Treatment

Spondylosis is the medical term used to describe degenerative changes in the spine. 

Brain Tumour Surgery

There are different types of brain tumours: primary brain tumour, and secondary brain tumour.

Brain Aneurysm Surgery

Brain aneurysms come in various shapes and sizes. Most commonly they take the form of a grape and 90% 

More Services


Posterior Cervical Decompression


Spine Surgery for Trauma


Domiciliary Nursing


Second Opinions


Lumbar Fusion

What to Expect


Caring Staff




Compassionate Care


Commitment to Excellence



About Us

Serving Abuja and Environs

We are a compact specialist unit in Abuja perfecting brain and spine care the way it should be done. We will avail our clients with excellent diagnostic facilities, surgical intervention, conservative care and follow-up management as necessary. We are based in Abuja and work with a variety of other hospitals and specialists to provide a comprehensive diagnostic and treatment care plan for our clients. At least in the management of brain, bone and spine diseases: We can treat patients confidently.

At BASS, whatever we propose or do for you will meet international standards of care. The whole team has been carefully chosen and dedicated to their specific duties. However, we are a team and you will find cross cooperation among the staff to provide quality of care for you.

Many cases of effective and efficient management of cases of brain and spine problems abound in Nigeria. However, many people suffer from not knowing what is available locally. The above information is part of our obligation to inform and educate Nigerians about what is available locally.


Latest News & Resources

Back pain and leg pain

I want to introduce you to Lumbar Spondylosis. There are people who complain of back pain and leg pains. The back pain is in the lower back and can radiate to the waist or the hip. The pain is worse with activity: sitting, standing etc. it is often better at night...

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The management of back pain

A significant number of patients present to doctors and physiotherapists with back pain. For the majority, the pain is of little consequence and resolves without much hassle. In many instances, reassurance, a positive attitude and a healthy support system is all that...

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A Case Story

Mama Yunusa stopped walking in March. Her arms and legs simply stopped moving. She also complained about pain in the neck. She was effectively bedridden and had to be carried to the bathroom by her daughter. A fiercely independent woman was reduced to a helpless state...

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What is epilepsy? Epilepsy is a recurring outward manifestation of a problem with the brain. The medical definition of epilepsy is ‘repeated seizures or convulsions (or fits) due to a brain problem’.  How does epilepsy occur? The brain is made up of billions of...

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Phone a friend: ask for help.

I belong to several groups of doctors and other medical people. There are those I work with locally in Abuja and we share information and advice through local courses and seminars. There are those I correspond with on Facebook and Twitter who are a variety of doctors...

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Let’s call a spade…a spade

One of the reasons that Nigerians fail to trust doctors is in the area of misdiagnosis and the reasons are legion. Diagnosing pneumonia for cancer and calling cancer, Tuberculosis is all too common. Stroke is often misdiagnosed. One of my recent patients with...

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8B,  Buchanan Crecent, Off Aminu Kano Crescent, Wuse 2, Abuja.

Phone : 08088880059

Email: info@brainandspineltd.com

Works Hours: 24/7