Dumb ways to die

Some people deserve to die. Some people are so stupid and do things that entitle them to instant erasure from this World. Their death may even be a blessing to mankind in that it stops the dilution of the gene pool. Thus, there are times when particular conducts allow...

Please no, not cancer!

I resigned as staff neurosurgeon with the National Hospital, Abuja seven years ago. It was a mutual divorce and like lancing a boil for me. The release was instantaneous and cathartic. So many issues had built up to the point but the inability to deliver quality care...

Condoms or bread: You decide!

Joke:A little boy goes to his father and asks “Daddy, how was I born?” The father answers: “Well son, your mum and I got together in a chat room at Yahoo. Then I set up a date via e-mail with your mum and we met up at a cyber-cafe. We sneaked into a...

Help yourself!

Get thisHepatitis is inflammation (swelling) of the liver which can lead to damage of the liver and death. Death because the liver is the ultimate refinery in the body. It cleans the blood and removes poisons from the blood which is then excreted in the stool. You...

What do you prefer: Early morning sex or a jog?

Jack Dorsey, the founder of twitter wakes up early to meditate and then goes on a 6-mile run. He also apparently walks five miles to work in the morning to clean his mind. Mark Zuckerberg is well known for dressing the same way each day as he once claimed it gives him...